
Encourage Them All

Many Learning to Develop Leaders Through ETA Course

A few years ago, Disciple Makers Increase (DMI) piloted a creative, oral culture-friendly new course on how to have powerful, encouraging conversations with emerging leaders.  This course is creative and impactful, helping movement leaders, pastors, youth leaders, missionaries, and others learn how to encourage (and develop) the Timothys in their lives.  Developing leaders is key […]

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Persecution and Martyrdom Lead to Increased Boldness

In a region of Africa where Islam thrives, movements to Christ are rapidly accelerating.  Despite severe persecution and martyrdom, new disciples boldly share their faith and experience miracles. Thousands are coming to know Jesus as Savior, experiencing His transformation, love, and forgiveness. Though the rapid growth is exciting, it certainly isn’t easy.  Movement leaders face

Persecution and Martyrdom Lead to Increased Boldness Read More »

Grateful ministry leaders share exciting report from first onsite training in Malawi! 

Imagine — for the past 3 months, you’ve been enrolled in DMI’s Getting Started in Disciple Making Movements course. You can’t believe the tools you are gaining that will help you carry out the Great Commission. And to think – you found this amazing online program while scrolling through social media! During the course, you have

Grateful ministry leaders share exciting report from first onsite training in Malawi!  Read More »

The Multiplier's Mindset

The Multiplier’s Mindset- #1 in Christian Missions books!

We are delighted to share that Disciple Maker’s Increase’s founder, Cynthia Anderson’s new book, The Multiplier’s Mindset: Thinking Differently About Discipleship was ranked #1 in Amazon in the Christian Missions and Missionary Work category this week! Cynthia and her team worked hard for years with little fruit until they began to examine their beliefs about

The Multiplier’s Mindset- #1 in Christian Missions books! Read More »

Encourage Them All Course

Encourage Them All (ETA) Course Opens a New Cohort

Last year, the beta version of Encourage Them All: How To Walk Alongside Next Generation Leaders in Life-Changing Conversations, premiered on our Disciple Makers Increase (DMI) learning platform. With over forty people going through the beta course, it was a wonderful success and learning time for all who participated. This amazing course, geared especially toward

Encourage Them All (ETA) Course Opens a New Cohort Read More »

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