It’s why we chose this name. Disciple Makers Increase is all about seeing hundreds of thousands of disciple-makers raised up, trained, and becoming effective in reaching the least-reached peoples on the globe. We have great faith to see a radical increase of disciples of Jesus! Are you with us?
At the same time, as we pray for an amazing increase in Kingdom fruitfulness, it’s important to remember this scripture.
He must increase, but I must decrease.
John 3:30 ESV
Everything we do needs to be focused on seeing the worship of Jesus increase, not our organization, church, or personal following. We make disciples of Jesus, not of ourselves.
Can you say like John the Baptist did, “He must increase, I must decrease?”
This is a foundational value of Disciple Makers Increase. It’s all for His glory!
What are you doing to stay focused on His increase, not your own?
Great work may God bless your ministry! I believe that He will raise more disciple makers in the world
Personal and church evangelism
Yes ! Let Master Jesus increase that I made decrease ! Lord, I need grace to use my time, talent, and treasure to be a disciple makers in my community, and the world at large for Your Kingdom purpose.
I live to honor Christ and I lift Him higher than any other.
Oh yes!! I like this very much. Jesus Christ must increase and I must be decreased. I love worshiping God and I must learn how to make worshiping disciples. Thank very much for the new revelation. God bless you
You are most welcome! Blessings.
yes we must make disciple and increase this is our aim in Sri lanka.
Great to meet you Pastor Christopher! Blessings.
Amen! We’d love to have you with us as part of the community. Have you checked out our courses?
We have one on disciple-making starting in August, and our mobilization course opens in September.
I’m attending a church with my family and as an evangelist I try to wait for church to set time for evangelism so I can do his work.Mostly,crusades but I feel thats not enough.can you help me if I’m lacking something ?
Thank you and look forward to your reply.
Absolutely! We’d love to help you move forward in evangelism and disciple-making! Next month we have an exciting webinar coming up called How to Have a Massive Kingdom Increase. It’d be awesome if you could join us for this. Follow the DMI Facebook page and watch for an announcement about how to sign up!
I want to be part of this increase
That’s great! Let’s do it together!
Obeying God’s word by making disciple for his glory.
Yes! Amen!
It’s a great idea and initiative. Encouraging each other and getting on the right track of disciple-making, would be a great help to me, as I have begun evangelizing in our areas. I would love to join you. Pray for me and for our ministries in India. Thanks.
We pray for India regularly! It’d be great to have you participate in our community. Blessings.
Yes Jesus must increase and I must decrease. I love to worship God and make descipples. Please pray for me and help me.
Just registered.